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Friday, May 22, 2009

Soccer Books - Success!

The individualized soccer books were completed and handed out to all team members. The reviews have been very positive, to say the least! The books were a joy to do, and the parents of all the boys really appreciated the memento of a highly successful season.

See books here:


6:37 pm pdt

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Welcome to our web site!
This is a project website for family and friends. The major projects on this site include the Microwave Engineering Project, activity with the partnership Optimized Tomfoolery, photography projects, a family jewelry business, an electric car conversion project, an archive for an AMSAT project called Namaste, and an art site dedicated to Unicorn-Pegasus hybrids.

Rocket Plume at Night
Vandenberg rocket launch photo by Michelle

We hope you enjoy checking out our projects. The Microwave Engineering Project and the Unicorn-Pegasus hybrid art site are open invitation. If you would like to participate, then just let us know.

We do not at this time accept the following credit cards:

Images of credit cards

We are proud members of the following organizations:
ARRL, AMSAT, 10-10 International, North County Photographic Society, Palomar Amateur Radio Club, TAPR, San Bernardino Microwave Society, San Diego Microwave Group


Happy Holidays!

Our Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am-12:30pm projects
12:30pm-2:30pm gym
3:00pm-6:00pm help kids with homework
6:00pm-late meetings and projects


Usually on assignment


Recording and editing music for St. Therese of Carmel Catholic Church in San Diego, CA.