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Vegetable Garden at Silver Home

10 August 2009 Big news! Installing a greenhouse on the slope in the back yard. It's a self-contained aquaculture project. Photo album and more details in the works.

28 May 2009 Have consumed all the radishes, and planted corn, at present the carrots are coming along well. Volunteer vine started growing. Looks like pumpkin. I'm letting the asparagus grow and develop. Grapes are starting to develop. I planted eggplant and let most of the volunteer tomatoes grow. An old hot pepper plant is growing back as well. We ate the first blackberries of the year yesterday and they were great.
9 February 2009 Raining at Silver Home, snowing at Red Home. Apple tree perking up. No buds yet. One tiny sprig of asparagus!


Radishes continue to grow. No other seeds observed yet. Here's the radishes.


1 February 2009 Radish seedlings coming up! Two leaves, lots of seedlings.

27 January 2009 Watching over the garden. Doing light weeding. Here's what the garden looked like this morning:


23 January 2009 Planted Lettuce, Celery, Radishes, and Carrots from seed packets. Had to get the seed packets from Rite Aid. Visited Evergreen Nursery and got the unshakeable feeling that they are about to shut down. No seeds, buildings torn down, reduced selection. Another nursery on the road to Evergreen was completely gone - bulldozed. Raining today. Here's a photo.


21 January 2009 Distributed all of the compost in the compost heap to three of the four beds. Cultivated and watered. Raining this week.